Worship Services: 10am & 12pm | 2520 Patterson Avenue

We are a community of believers in Armstrong, BC seeking to worship God in Spirit ​and in Truth; through the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, faithful ​administration of the sacraments, by worshiping God in reverence, in obedience to His ​Word, and by sharing His Gospel with others in Word and deed.

We invite you to worship with us at 10am and 12pm and enjoy some fellowship with a ​potluck lunch between services. There is babysitting downstairs for both services.

What We Believe

We are a congregation that has her ​historical roots in the Protestant ​Reformation of the 16th Century. We ​believe and live according to the five ​solas of the Reformation; namely that ​scripture alone is our rule for faith and ​life, and that we are saved by grace ​alone, through faith alone, on the ​ground of Jesus Christ alone and for ​the glory of God alone.


As a confessional Reformed, Christian ​church, we adhere to several faithful ​summaries of biblical doctrine. Find our ​creeds & confessions on our resources page.

Our confessions are often referred to as the ​Three Forms of Unity because they serve as ​the basis for the confessional unity of the ​members of our congregation, and ​confessional unity among the churches in ​our federation; the United Reformed ​Churches in North America. We confess that ​these documents accurately summarize the ​fundamental truths of Scripture.


Liturgy refers to our worship. We ​acknowledge that we stand in a rich ​tradition of biblical worship. A number of ​keys features are:

1. Our worship is a dialogue between God ​and His people. God speaks and the ​congregation responds.

2. All worship must be regulated by the ​Word of God. If an element of worship ​cannot be found in the Word of God it is ​therefore unallowable.

3. The Preaching of the Word of God is to be ​central in worship. All of the other elements ​of worship are leading up to or flowing out ​of the preaching of the Word.




We use the Trinity Psalter Hymnal in our worship services, ​to search songs and learn tunes, click here.

Creeds & Confessions

Forms & Prayers

Our Church

We are a church plant sponsored by Immanuel ​Covenant Reformed Church of Abbotsford, BC

Our first church service was on March 26, 2023 ​in the Oddfellows Hall in Armstrong.

Since then, we have moved to the Seniors ​Centre at 2520 Patterson Ave (you can find it on ​Google maps here)

We do not currently have a pastor, but we are ​very grateful to have regular pulpit supply from ​our sister churches. In the meantime, we pray ​for God's blessing as we search for a faithful ​pastor to lead our congregation.

Church Activities




Mens’ Bible Study

7:00pm, alternating Thursdays with ​Womens’ Bible Study

Volunteers take turns hosting and ​leading.

Contact Mike (604-835-3569) for ​more info.

Womens’ Bible ​Study

7:30pm, alternating Thursdays with ​the Mens’ Bible Study

Volunteers take turns hosting, ​baking and leading.

Currently studying ‘Lord of the ​Kings’ By Michael & Cara Smith. ​Contact Jenae (604-816-0653) for ​more info.

Catechism ​Classes

7:00pm, every Tuesday

Senior’s Activity Centre

2520 Patterson Ave, Armstrong

Instructional course on the ​Heidelberg Catechism.

Young People’s

7:30pm, biweekly on Sunday

Volunteers take turns hosting.

In cooperation with the Vernon Canadian ​Reformed Church, young adults aged 16-25 ​gather to discuss the afternoon sermon and ​have some fellowship.

Contact Us

Worship Services: 10am & 12pm

2520 Patterson Ave

Armstrong, BC


Bulletin: secretaryprovidencecovenant@gmail.com

*bulletin submissions must be in by 12pm on Thursday

Local Consistory Members:

Andre Hummelman | 604-710-6879

George Vandelft | 250-308-9011